The owner and publisher of this website is the company incorporated under French law “LES DOMAINES ROBERT VIC”.


Limited liability company with a share capital of €8000, its registered office at “LES DOMAINES ROBERT VIC, PREIGNES LE VIEUX 34450 VIAS”, SIRET 43497822700016, A.P.E. 4634Z.

Phone : +33 (0)4 67 21 67 82

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In accordance with the law “Informatique et Libertés” (Information Technology and Civil Liberties) of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, modify, delete and oppose your personal data. If you wish to exercise these rights, please contact us. We undertake to refrain from communicating your personal information to third parties unless you authorise us to do so.


The director of the estates is Mr JÉRÔME VIC.

The person in charge of publication is Mr JÉRÔME VIC.


The photos and illustrations published on this site are for the most part designs by DOMAINES ROBERT VIC, in the contrary case, please find the credits below:

Photo credits: Bernard mestre, KARACTERE, Audrey Bardou, Lourdou, Eric Morere,

By accessing the DOMAINES ROBERT VIC website, you agree to comply with the laws in force and the conditions of use relating to intellectual property rights. All the data contained on our site and, without limitation, the images, the graphic charter, the texts, the logos, is protected by the legal provisions governing the protection of intellectual property rights. Any reproduction, even partial, of any of the contents of our website is strictly forbidden. More specifically, the logo, the “Preignes le Vieux” brand and the “” domain name are protected names belonging to DOMAINES ROBERT VIC, which under no circumstances may be exercised without the express prior agreement of DOMAINES ROBERT VIC.


You agree not to redistribute or reproduce the data published on our site or provided in connection with the use of our services other than for your strictly personal use.


The “” website is accommodated at OVH – Head office : 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – France.